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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Wellness

How to overcome barriers to better health

“I just bought a new BPA-free tupperware set.” This comment, coming from my friend Anna, caught me off guard. Anna’s a highly competent law professional. She’s a critical thinker and she fights in the heavyweight division when it comes to…

3 Common Ones, Plus Their Solutions

“I work with coaches and other people who know too much.” Kate Solovieva is a former professor of psychology, a PN master coach, and PN’s director of community engagement. And the above quote has become one of her taglines. Though…

How to Stop Tracking Macros

“I worried that if I stopped tracking macros, I would lose my physique.” After years of careful macro tracking, Dr. Fundaro finally admitted to herself that the method no longer worked for her. Yet she was afraid to give it…

Olive Oil vs. Vegetable Oil vs. Butter

Are vegetable and seed oils “toxic”?! From TikTok to bestseller lists, vegetable oils—a.k.a. “seed oils”—are a big topic right now. To be fair, folks have debated the merits of vegetable oils dating back to when they first entered the marketplace.…

Are Oxalates A Problem or No Big Deal?

There’s no shortage of nutritional advice out there, and many experts tell us entire food groups are bad. Vegans advise against animal products, while carnivore followers warn against grains and legumes. Yet, leafy greens seem to be universally praised. When…

Healthy Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe

Salad dressings are a great thing to start making yourself. Not only will you save money, but the flavor is so much better with fresh ingredients. Even better, you can avoid vegetable oils and other additives from store-bought dressing. This…

Why Saliva is So Important

I’m sure by now you’ve heard me talk about the importance of remineralizing teeth. But what you may not know is how important saliva is to this process. First though, what really is saliva and what does it do? The…